Which Cup of Premium Tea Fits Your Personality?

With so many teas available in the market, how can you decide which one will suit you? After all, there are teas that provide myriad health and wellbeing benefits, being packed with catechins, antioxidants and other powerfully beneficial antioxidants. Green, black and white teas all fall into this category, providing everything from heart health to possible anti-cancer benefits. Herbal teas are also filled with benefits, with ingredients that do everything from promoting sleep to helping digestion.

But is there a tea type that is more likely to suit your personality? It's only a bit of fun - but here are some of our suggestions!

The classicist

You love quality, classic items and the finer things in life. So perhaps a delicate white china cup of bergamot fragranced Earl Grey will be just the ticket for your morning break. Light, cooling and contemplative, it works for all situations.

The explorer

You love spices, rich flavours, warming blends and complex drinks, and the excitement of fresh experiences and travel. Try our Organic Bombay Masala Chai or flavoursome Organic Sky High Tibetan Chai. The Organic Himalaya Green Chai conjures up the freshness of the mountains with light and reviving green tea. These teas are delicious to enjoy at any time of day.

The mellow fan

If you love nothing more than chilling out, then Rooibos tea could be your perfect blend. Combine it with vanilla for the ultimate in comfort, like being wrapped in a big cosy blanket and given a hug. Rooibos is also known for its healthy and natural benefits, as the tea is created from natural, antioxidant-rich leaves. It is also naturally low in caffeine, making it a great choice for the evening or an afternoon drink.

The yoga lover

If you're a fan of early morning yoga or meditation why not try the purity of white tea? Made from the lightest and only most minimally processed leaves, this tea is packed with health benefits and highly delicate in taste. Simply leave the teabag in for a minute or so - not too long or it will stew - and add a little sweetener or simply enjoy in its most natural form.

Why buy premium tea online?

When you buy premium tea online  you have the peace of mind that comes with purchasing a top-quality product. At Ministry of Tea, we only sell organic, premium blends that are carefully sourced and blended by artisan tea makers. We create delicious, health-giving blends which are a cut above standard teas, and which come in beautifully designed boxes, with free delivery over £25.

So what are you waiting for? Broaden your horizons and try something new when you buy premium tea online at the Ministry of Tea, and enjoy new blends and formulations which offer you all the taste, all of the health benefits and none of the nastiest that come with cheaper non-organic alternatives. Enjoy the finest teas with the Ministry of Tea.